Take Charge of Your Health

Every week, producers Corinne Furnari PA CCN and Carol Petersen RPh, CNP present you new and creative ways to help you make sense of health information and bring it home to you and your family. With years of clinical experience and research into traditional and cutting edge technologies, Corinne and Carol give you practical information to help you Take Charge of Your Health.

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Monday Nov 20, 2023

During the holiday seasons, digestive problems may be magnified. Corinne and Dr. Z talk about the herbs that may help as they describe the digestive process

Tuesday Oct 17, 2023

 Is cortisol the death hormone or an important antiaging hormone. We discuss the multiple roles of this critical hormone. Listen for causes of low cortisol, how you can easily use cortisol and what the signs and symptoms are of long term deficiencies

Monday Oct 09, 2023

Today we interview Dr. Tom Cowan, author of Human Heart, Cosmic Heart and many more. His parting message to us is "Question everything!". We discuss why the model of the heart as a pump simply makes no sense and cannot be the mechanistic way the heart really works. We discuss the heart as the energy center of the body and how many of our expressions about the heart are rooted in this. Heartfully, heartless, piece of my heart are a few examples. Then as always, we discuss how we can have our best lives ever with the most nutrient dense food and energized water.

Monday Oct 02, 2023

Dr. Frank Shallenberger in his September Issue of Second Opinion wrote a very thorough description of a new classification of disease - mast cell activation syndrome. This is difficult to diagnose, no good tests exist and the symptoms involve many organ systems. The unifying principle is the release of histamine and the consequences.

Monday Sep 25, 2023

We've learned that the synthetic analogs of opioids have wrecked havoc on our society. Perhaps we should have just stayed with the extracts of the poppy. Naturopath Dr. Eugene Zamperion discusses other natural options to relieve pain in his book " Supplements for Pain : Comprehensive Natural Help for Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Other Inflammatory Conditions". This is also a WBAI fundraiser.

Monday Sep 11, 2023

 We review the testing available for osteoporosis and discuss the advantages and problems with various testing modalities. Too often, based on testing, people are encouraged to use drugs that block bone resorption thus interfering with normal bone turnover and healthy bones.

Tuesday Sep 05, 2023

 Often ignored, melatonin is one of the most abundant of the body's hormones. We discuss its importance as an antioxidant, a metabolic clock and it's help and production during the sleep cycle and more.

Wednesday Aug 30, 2023

 Lab testing for evaluating the state of your health or illness can be both helpful and harmful. We discuss some of the problems with thyroid parameters not being tested and what some of the cholesterol markers mean and how these can be evaluated in context with other tests and clinical presentations.

Monday Aug 21, 2023

 Copper is a two edged sword. Deficiencies are common and affect how hemoglobin is made. Under other conditions copper could become toxic.

Monday Aug 14, 2023

We are going back to the basics discussing some essential nutrients. This show highlights one of the major electrolytes in the body -potassium. Learn about function and how to get it into the diet and how to supplement if needed.

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